Galerie Chastel-Maréchal
XXth Century Decorative Arts

Alberto Giacometti
Jean Royère

Founded in 1994, gallery Chastel-Maréchal is located in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Près, the antiquarian district.

The gallery is dedicated to the most important decorative arts designers of the 20th century such as Line Vautrin, Jean Royère, Serge Roche, Georges Jouve or André Arbus.

In addition to international fairs including Design/Miami Basel, The Salon (New York), TEFAF (Maastricht), PAD (Paris and London), the gallery curates important exhibitions. Each involves in-depth research that results in the publication of books that become reference works. One of these, “Line Vautrin, Mirrors” was published in 2004.

Line Vautrin
Joy de Rohan Chabot