André Arbus, console-table, vue 01
André Arbus, console-table, vue 01
André Arbus, console-table, vue 01
André Arbus, console-table, vue 01

André Arbus, console-table

André Arbus (1903-1969)

Circa 1950

Rectangular console table with a geometrical marquetery work made out of cherry wood and ebony for the top.
The four feet have an H-shaped strut while the top sticks out slightly.
Each foot has a rectangular connecting piece on a column with half-cylinders projecting. It rests on a circular base with a rectangular part similar to the connecting piece.

This model was presented for the Salon des Artistes décorateurs in Paris in 1949.

Height 74,5 cm (29 3⁄8 in) - Width 172 cm (67 3⁄4 in) - Depth 69,5 cm (27 3⁄8 in)

- O. Quérant, "Le Salon des Artistes Décorateurs", Plaisir de France, juillet-août 1949, p. 39 for our model
- "Au Salon des Artistes Décorateurs", Le Décor d’Aujourd’hui, 1949, n. 51, p. 43 for our model